Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The “$10K Challenge” heads up!

Hey I'm literally walking out the door in a sec,so I need to make this quick...First of all - about the '$10K Challenge' event:As of right now there are over 12,063 peoplethat registered to attend the special event I'mdoing this Thursday, September 5th...I know that some of these folks registered butwill never do anything or

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

9,236 Already Registered For This Free Training!… You Coming?

A few days ago, I invited you to a special'$10K Challenge' Vick and I are launching this Thursday...If you've already registered, great.If you missed that email, I want to make sure thatyou saw this.... It's an invite-only kind of thing and as my subscriberand follower, you're invited to this special

There’s More To Recycling Than Paper… Electronics Recycling!

Given the number of devices we have in our homes and on our persons these days, electronics recycling is more important than ever! Recycling Christmas cards is a start, but there is much more we can do! Recycling is important as it reduces the strain on our natural resources, helps reduce pollution and reduces what goes into landfills. Electronics recycling helps [ ]

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Yoga and Weight Loss

Don't quite understand the tie between yoga and weight loss? Here's the information you need to know about yoga and weight loss.

Weght loss is easy… the only thing you have to do is burn up more calories than you take in! Easy right? Most of the Many have difficulty with both sides of the equation (i.e., lowering calorie intake and raising calorie burn). Your calorie intake translates directly to what you eat. Your calorie burn is your level of physical activity (exercise). Yoga is not some fad diet, but I know yoga can definitely have positive effects on both of these weight loss factors!

How Does Yoga Affect What I Eat?

Most people have problems controlling what they eat due to psychological issues. Here’s where the synergistic relationship between yoga and weight loss begins! These psychological issues include things like stress, depression and a poor self-image. The practice of yoga helps to develop a stronger mind body relationship, eliminate stress and improve your self image. Moving slowly through this new physical activity can help you strengthen your sense of self-control.

Okay But Does Yoga Burn Enough Calories?

The answer is definitively YES…and no… Let’s look at how calories are burned first. Aerobic exercises are the first exercise most people think of when they think about calorie burning. These types of exercises raise your heart rate, which is critical when trying to burn calories, whether it’s aerobic or yoga. They do this by having you perform at a moderate level of exertion over an extended length of time. For example, a marathon is aerobic, however a 100 yard dash is not. Therefore, your next question is probably, can yoga elevate your heart rate enough? This “yoga and weight loss” program can.

What Do You Mean Yes And No?

Earlier I said the answer is “yes” and “no” as to whether yoga will burn enough calories to be considered an aerobic exercise. “Yes” some types of yoga will, but “no” not every type of yoga. All types of yoga will help with strength and flexibility however. These are the best styles of yoga for weight loss in my opinion:

1. Bikram (Also known as “Hot Yoga): Is performed in room temperatures near 100 degrees! You will definitely sweat with this one.

2. Ashtanga (Also known as “Power Yoga”): This intense form of yoga is performed at a fast pace, compared to most yoga.

3. Iyengar: Poses are held for a longer period of time, with this form. Therefore your muscles exert a moderate level of work over an extended amount of time.

4. “Next Level Yoga“: In my opinion this is the best calorie burner here and is perfect for yoga and weight loss!

So in the end, it’s clear that yoga and weight loss can absolutely go hand in hand, but you must choose the right forms of yoga. The first three above are more advanced forms of yoga, and you should not jump right into any of these listed without consulting a physician first. You should also spend some time learning about all of the types of yoga, the benefits of yoga, and the required equipment… like good discount yoga mats!